Tuesday 25 September 2012

DIY: Silver Jam Jar Makeup Brush Holders

Ok I will like to point out that I really didn’t do much to these except spray paint these jam jars silver but the fact that I did so all by myself without having silver stained fingers tips at the end of the spray paint process, gives me a sense of pride and I want to share it dammit!!
I got the jam jars at Morrisons for £1.50 (which really is a bargain and saves me having to eat through 3 jars of strawberry jam) and the silver spray paint I already owned from previous DIY projects. I know I really could have left these jars the way they are but I thought it would be a bit more practical to spray paint them a colour so that my foundation thumb prints wouldn’t be visible

Things you will need

Jam Jar
Spray Paint (Colour of your choice)


1) Start off with a clean jar and remove all packaging from the Jam Jar.
2) Roll up a sheet of newspaper and stick it in the jar. This will prevent any paint from getting inside the jar
3) Lay out some newspaper on your work surface as spray paints have the tendency to get a bit messy
4)Spray the jar in an upwards and downwards motion to ensure jar has an even coating

5) Leave to dry in a well ventilated area for a few hours and you’re done!!
I know this isn’t really rocket science but I don’t often get a chance to do a tutorial on home improvements.

What do you think of my new makeup brush holders? Would you have spray painted them or left them in their original condition