Sunday 10 July 2011

Sunday Weekly Update #4

This week has been utterly hectic. I dont feel like I've even really had time to breathe or collect myself . . .but having said that I'm having a bit of difficulty remembering exactly what I've done this week *airhead moment*

1) Blogging events - That has to be the biggest highlights of this week. I went to the Lash Perfect Lash bar on Wednesday and then Ifabbo launch party the Power Rooms. Funnily enough these two venues are literally right next door to each other (on being 34 Marshall street and the other 35) but in true Epiphannie fashion . . .I  still managed to get lost . . . despite using the map app on my phone *sigh*

2) Grad ceremony - My graduation ceremony is finally upon us and that means hectically trying to find an outfit art last minute because I believed I had more time to shop around than I actually did. After scouring all my online resources (mainly ASOS) I've finally decided on a cute lil' topshop number - (which details I shall leave a surprise til Wednesday)

3) I've almost (emphasis on almost) started unpacking all my boxes, suitcases and what-nots, but what can i say the motivation to haul boxes around and try to find the perfect place to place my kimmidoll Chika is just mentally exhausting.