Friday, 17 June 2011

The Jacques Soiree is back in town . . .

Let me see . .  .
  • Fruity alcohol . . . check 
  • Multi-million pounds townhouse . . . check 
  • Enchanted Garden . . *how Alice in Wonderland*. . . double check 
  • Manicure and Makeover pampering sessions . . . check 
Then I guess Jacques Townhouse must be back in town.

Picture taken from Jacques' Fb page - All rights belong to them

The Jacques Summer Soiree invites guests the chance to experience an evening of pampering, with manicures, makeovers and a chance to star in their personal fashion shoot, all with a glass of Jacques chilling in their hand.

This year the Jacques Townhouse event will be popping up in London, from the 20th til the 28th of July,  and in Liverpool from the 10th til the 19th of August. Anyone is invited to come, but tickets and on a first come, first serve basis, so to get your paws on FREE tickets for you and a mate, click here to be redirected to the Jacques Facebook page 

P.s. I've heard that Ex-Sugarbabes Keisha Buchanan is going to be the host for this year's soiree