Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Review: Kiehl's Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser in Coriander

Kiehl's is a Premium skincare retailer with a Apothecary Cosmetics Heritage that produces skincare products with unique formulations that are made with the finest quality of Natural and botanic derived ingredients e.g. Lavender, Caffeine, and Coriander

When I first received this wash in its sample size container, aesthically I was not too impressed. It looked way too simple and uninteresting and I would have relegated it to the depths of my sample drawer but I popped the bottle cap and took a whiff and it smelled absolutely amazing . . and I thought why not.

This product is absolutely amazing, it is refreshing, light, gave off a rich lather and left my skin feeling gorgeous after a wash, which for me is the basis for a good wash. If you are looking for a great and natural derived body wash, I would recommend this but I honestly will not buy this product only because I broke out in an itchy rash like you would NOT believe.

It turns out that I am allergic to certain types of plant proteins and therefore Kiehls products are not my poor skins cup of tea.

In 2 weeks, this body wash has managed to hydrate and itch-itise my skin like you won't believe. 

I am actually very disappointed with my body's chemistry at the moment as I was planning to buy the full 500ml product

What about you? Have you ever fallen in love with a product just to find your body doesn't think the same?