Thursday, 6 October 2011

Kate Moss For Rimmel

"Look what I've got" 
* sing-song voice*

On a totally impromptu trip to the Bond Street Superdrug this week, I locked eyes on the Kate Moss Collection for Rimmel and it really does look every bit as appealing as I heard (and read) it would be.

Bronzed and Patriotic . . Reminds me of a certain Person I know ;)
The Eyeshadows which come in a range of purples, browns, greens and a really random Union flag coloured blue,white and pink combination, looked really pigmented (and patriotic), while the casing for the lipstick looked absolutely gorgeous!!! I know you shouldn't judge a make up product by its packaging but this time I have to make an exception.
I picked up the Kate Moss Lipstick in shade 08, which comes in a pinky brown shade; perfect for a nude lippie *for me anyway* and also the bronzed out eyeshadow palette. So far I've had a little play around with both the lippies and eyeshadows and I actually really love the way the shades show up on my skin. I can't preach about the durability yet but I feel it the eyeshadow should last for a good while before becoming dull but then again only time will tell.
Kate Moss Lippie in Shade 08.
Eyeshadow Paletter - Darkest to Lightest shade